
Volunteers are important.  They are vital to the success of many of our programs and events. Without your help, it would be difficult to meet the needs of the community!

Why Get Involved?

  • To continue learning and growing
  • To develop new interests and friendships
  • To share your time and talent with your community
  • To gain valuable job experience
  • To make a difference in your community
  • To promote well-being
  • To stay active and involved
  • To meet new people
  • To build your resume or scholarship application
  • To have fun!

Volunteer Athletic League Coach

Enthusiasm, patience, organization and good communication are all important traits for a coach to possess. At the Sugar Grove Park District, our coaches are also committed, hardworking and involved. Every athletic season, volunteers step up to coach. Whether for baseball, basketball, softball or t-ball, whether experienced coach or brand new, these individuals dedicate their time and energy to teaching different skills and strategies while making the game fun!

Volunteer coaches play a huge role in athletics, one that we gratefully acknowledge. Without them, our teams would not have the success and learning opportunities that they do. These individuals take time out of their schedules not just for practices and games, but to plan practices and put together game plans. The Sugar Grove Park District truly appreciates the effort and hard work of these coaches!

We are always looking for quality coaches! If you would like to coach for the Sugar Grove Park District, please feel complete the Volunteer Coach Application.

Volunteer Coach Application.

Please email the completed volunteer coach application to Jason Edwards.

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

Sugar Grove Corn Boil 5K Run/Walk

  • Saturday of Corn Boil Weekend (normally last full weekend in July)
  • 6:30 am – 10:00 am
  • Course Route on streets of Sugar Grove
  • Keep runners on track and safe by directing traffic on course route.

Easter Egg Hunt

  • Saturday one week prior to Easter
  • 9:00am – 12:00 pm
  • Volunteer Park
  • Join other volunteers spreading more than 4,000 filled eggs in the park

Count me in!

If you’d like to become a valued volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Application form below.

Volunteer Application

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

Event Photography

Take pictures at a park district program or event that your family attends and send to us.  Your pictures could appear on our website, in a seasonal brochure, or other media form.

Park Watch

We need your help in keeping the parks clean, safe, and free of vandalism.

  • If you find any broken equipment, or have any other safety concerns about the parks or facilities, contact the park district at (630) 466-7436
  • If you see vandalism occurring in the parks, contact the police department by calling 9-1-1

Thank you for your support in our efforts to provide residents with quality park sites and facilities.