2024 Comprehensive Master Plan

The Sugar Grove Park District’s 2024-2033 Comprehensive Plan 2024 Master Plan Download


Welcome to the Sugar Grove Park District’s Comprehensive Master Plan Information Center

The Sugar Grove Park District finalized its 2024-2033 Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP) on February 12, 2024. This new CMP identifies, defines, refines, and adjusts the capital improvements and goals for the Park District to complete over the next ten years.  During the planning process, we completed a detailed analysis of the Park District parks, facilities, and offerings while collecting community input that guided the direction of the Comprehensive Master Plan.

Comprehensive Master Plan Goal

This plan serves to guide the district regarding improvements and operations to better serve our community.

The Project team

  • Planning Resources Inc. (PRI): Lead Planning Consultant/Landscape Architect with experience in comprehensive planning, master planning community engagement, landscape architecture, and implementation strategies.

The Sugar Grove Park District (SGPD) launched its own comprehensive planning process called “Community-Driven Possibilities” back in the Fall of 2020.